Hehe. 2010 is coming to an end and it’s gonna be the year 2011 soon. Everyone is so looking forward towards it but i thought it was just another very normal day to me. 2010 was... idk. I guess my life is pretty much just about food and wandering about like some aimless soul. Sad much uh?
Oh no, the thought of 2011 really scares me. It means that the second semester of year two in poly is coming to an end and this also means i’m gonna be attached to my internship life like some lifeofaninactiveintheoutsideworld girl. But of course, my greatest worry is not about internship but life after internship. Omgxzxzxz, recently everyone was like questioning more like urging me about what are my plans after graduating from poly and my answer like as usual was... idk. It’s not that i cannot be bothered about my future hello that’s my future of course i do hope that i have plans or even goals that i wanna achieve right but sigh, i really do not know what i want. Working in the real society (as in an office job) just seems so impossible to me. How?
Even though i may complain hell out of school and projects but hey, comes to think of the near future, i would very much prefer school life over work life. Can the year 2011 just goes on and on and never ends pleaseeeeeee. Argh, as much as i really do not wish to do so, but i still have to think of what i wanna do after i graduate (and that is if i can even graduate laaaa). And when i starts thinking about what i wanna do in the future, many questions just pop out from my brain very naturally. Like... should i continue my studies? Can i even continue my studies in a university with such lousy academic achievements? Why i never study hard enough in year one? Maybe i should just switch to full-time in f21? I do not want to be a property agent?
Right, property agent. I guess i would very much end up being a damn property agent. That is like a 50% sure thing. Noooooooooo!!!
Damn. Why my life so sad ah?
Okay, i shall put my worries aside for now and do a summarise for December. Argh, i wanna go overseas but nobody wants to bring me along!!! ): Okay, there's gonna be a whole chunk of pictures talking (:
Some day in December which i forgot when was it
Chill out at Pizza Hutty with girfriends. What a NICE place to chill huh. Oh i have been meeting my girlfriends a lot lately, which is a good thing because i know they miss me too muchieeee right!
Tanny you sure got a retarded face there.
Why my face like fat ball, tsk!
Another day which i forgot when was it
Let's Sweeeeeets for dinner with my colleagues. I remember that day was hell for me but with the jokes and laughters from my colleagues i was feeling muchieeee better. Thank you! I doubt they will even see this but anyway, let's continue. Hahaha!
The many many food togi bear (a name i gave tobias hehe!) took. Like kia-su only. But seriously la, with the time limit and all it isn't a very nice place to really sit down and eat, catch up with one another and ENJOY. Goodness gracious! I even had difficulties swallowing and digesting my food la, as close friends will know i tend to tell a lot of stories (talk a lot) during meals and when i talk i never stop, and when i never stop i will never start picking up my food to eat, unless otherwise i'm very hungry la. Right, i really envy people who can talk and eat very fast at the same time because i totally cant! Food was so-so only...
This disgusting looking cheesy baked rice was my favorite that night.
Some of the jellies were tasteless.
16th dec 2010
It was JEP dayyyyyyyy!!! (: And as usual, we went for an eating. That day was really fulfilling. We almost died eating because we ate way tooooooo muchie! First, we had King Louis for lunch, then Togi Korean for dinner and Koi for supper. Dinner was a really heavy one because we ordered 4 main dishes despite the many different side dishes they served when we first sat down. Burp*
My eyes are getting smaller and smaller too. Why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ):
19th dec 2010
Farewell dinner with JEP because jiayanny was leaving for Korea for... 5 days LOL. We had J-Pot! (:
I was so fascinated by this thing because when jiayanny first gave it to me i still wondered why she gave me a soap, but actually it is a cookie. Lol, don't say i sua-ku okay!
We reached home at midnight the previous day and had to wake up at 3.30am the next day so as to accompany our dearest jiayanny to the airport by 6am! I didnt even sleep well la jiayannnnnnny i know you're damn touched right! Hehe!
???? with daddy! Had Dian xiao er for dinner before we headed to Party world and sing our heads off.
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